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Learn about Acquisition Campaigns and how you can entice regular visitors and convert them as customers.

When it comes to establishing an online business, setting a goal and meeting the objectives are always the top priorities of the company. After some time, you will understand that in order to hit these targets, you must absolutely utilize digital marketing.

You'll find that there are three broad categories of creating an online campaign. These are acquisition, monetization, and engagement, and each of them has specific roles to play in your business. Acquisition campaigns will help you discover new prospects and customers, monetization campaigns will help you generate revenue from the existing customer and leads you currently have, and engagement campaigns help you start a community of promoters and brand advocates.

In this article, let us only talk about acquisition campaigns. Basically, you deploy these campaigns as the front-end workers of your business. In short, they move prospects from becoming aware of your brand to converting to paying customers.

Below are the stages that a visitor of your online business has to complete in order to convert as a customer:

Stage 1: Awareness
As a business owner or a marketer, you need to reach out to complete strangers. Keeping your target market in mind, you must find a way to entice prospects who are completely unaware of the problems your business can fix.

Stage 2: Engagement
The only way for you to move your users from a state of awareness to actually engaging into your business is by providing value. This usually comes in the form of entertainment, educational content, answering important questions, and etc. This is the stage where you must learn everything you can about content marketing. The content of your website will cause people to engage with your business.

Stage 3: Getting Followed
At this stage, you have already won the trust of your prospects. At the very least, these people should have already followed you on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. In some cases, the most ideal is having them as an email subscriber. When your prospects have already followed you, you can now continue to offer more content and spark a business-customer relationship.

Stage 4: Conversion
This is the final stage of your Acquisition Campaign - turning your prospects from merely interested people to actual paying customers. This is where your business has already earned the full trust of the customers - the kind of trust where they willingly hand over their credit card information to make a purchase.

Remember, the acquisition campaign is not just about turning your visitors into paying customers. This is not always about profit as this also helps you acquire leads and potential buyers. Keep in mind that customer and lead acquisition is not the same with monetization. Although the final goal is the same (to convert visitors), they have different tactics, goals, and metrics.


Becoming a blogger is one of the most exciting careers today. As long as you can write decent posts, and you have a voice that demands to be heard, this could be a potential path you can take. Are you wondering how to start a blog and possibly make money or a career out of it? Well, starting a blog is not exactly that difficult if you have researched beforehand. 

To help you get started, here are the basic and simplest steps in starting a blog.

Step 1: Decide what the blog would be about.

Selecting a niche is very important as this is the very foundation of who your readers will be. There are so many niches and industries to choose from so you need to take some time to really think about this. 

Step 2: Choose the platform. 

Choose a blogging platform that can provide all the necessary services you need. For example, if you are looking for a place to rant or voice out your opinions (without the desire for blogging professionally), a free website can be a good choice. However, if you plan to establish a website and monetize it, you need to go for the paid platforms. 

Step 3: Find a host.

You must contact an excellent web host to ensure that your website will stay accessible 24/7. In the event that you choose a poor-performing provider, you are at risk of losing everything you have worked hard for. Writing an article, beautifying your post and publishing it takes time. If people cannot access it, you will lose your audience. Stay away from providers that are known to have a lot of web hosting issues. 

Step 4: Pick your domain name.

Your domain name should be related to your niche and to the brand or persona you are trying to build. If it is possible, always choose the .com domain as this is seen as the most reliable website URL. Another tip in registering your domain is to pay for it in advance. Registering your domain name for at least 2 years will garner you a discount. If you pay for more than 2 years, then your bill will definitely be cheaper. 

Step 5: Start Designing

Blogging platforms like WordPress are the most user-friendly for newbie bloggers. It offers free plugins and easy access to Search Engine Optimization features. Aside from that, designing the layout of your website is easy, especially when you have hundreds of themes and templates to choose from. 

Why are people so interested in starting a blog? The reasons are varied. But mostly, blogging can make you earn extra cash, it offers you the title of Web editor or published author, it exposes you, your business or your organization, and for people who love to write, it offers the opportunity for them to use their voices. So you see yourself becoming a blogger? If yes, apply this tips. Good luck!

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